Daily charts:
- trend is up on daily charts
- today NF closed 0.6% in positive at 10730
- but AD was negative at 7:9
- looks like I am getting the diametric I want
- if correct. this rally should be small and get over soon
- recent highs should not get crossed
- option writing support 10500 resistance 11000
- these are likely to be the levels for next series

5 min charts:
- exited positional shorts by 10am
- traded long but had a hasty exit due to tight trailing SL

- booked positional 10700 PE (JAN) bought around 180 on Friday at 220 and 260
- traded long at 10700 CE; covered intraday
- funny thing is my initial SL at entry was 0
Actual profit should have been 30K instead of 19K

10600 CE chart:
- moved from 30 to 160

10700 CE chart:
- moved from 15 to 70+

- trend is up on daily charts
- today NF closed 0.6% in positive at 10730
- but AD was negative at 7:9
- looks like I am getting the diametric I want
- if correct. this rally should be small and get over soon
- recent highs should not get crossed
- option writing support 10500 resistance 11000
- these are likely to be the levels for next series

5 min charts:
- exited positional shorts by 10am
- traded long but had a hasty exit due to tight trailing SL

- booked positional 10700 PE (JAN) bought around 180 on Friday at 220 and 260
- traded long at 10700 CE; covered intraday
- funny thing is my initial SL at entry was 0
Actual profit should have been 30K instead of 19K

10600 CE chart:
- moved from 30 to 160

10700 CE chart:
- moved from 15 to 70+

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