- on 2nd NOV, NF was around 10600
- today i.e. 20th NOV, NF is at 10665
- a net move of only 65 points in 18 days (calendar)
- extremely rangebound market
- this happens once in a while in every market and losses will be high as signals fail
- I am showing charts with different indicator settings

kplswing with N=5

kplswing with N=10

kplswing with N=20

- today i.e. 20th NOV, NF is at 10665
- a net move of only 65 points in 18 days (calendar)
- extremely rangebound market
- this happens once in a while in every market and losses will be high as signals fail
- I am showing charts with different indicator settings

kplswing with N=5

kplswing with N=10

kplswing with N=20