April 27, 2018

Swing trading signals :: 26-APR-2018

  • This report is for your personal use only and is valid for next trading day.
  • Signals are generated using the kplswing indicator.
  • Algorithm: BUY signal is generated if a stock closes above 20 days high.
  • Stock name is highlighted in case of first signal of the trend.
  • Exits: There are no targets and exits are based on a trailing stoploss. Returns are whatever the market gives - 20%, 100%, etc.
  • Stoploss: use fixed SL to limit losses and trailing SL for profit booking.
  • Trailing SL: For long positions, use weekly low or 10 days low. Default is 20 days low.
  • Click on stock name link for charts, more info etc
  • Limit investment per stock to 5% of trading capital or limit loss per trade to max 1% of your trading capital.
  • Important: Trade in cash only and never in futures.
  • Liquidity filter: ||||| good liquidity - ||||| excellent liquidity. Avoid stocks with ||||| low liquidity.
This information is for your study only and is not a recommendation to buy or sell

All signals:

Buy signals: 

Sell signals: 

Stocks gaining >5%: 

Stocks losing >5%: 

Stocks at 52 week high: 

Stocks at 52 week low: 

Nifty 200 stocks

Stock nameCloseChange20 Day Swing IndicatorLast Month's52 week
TrendDateFixed SLTrailing SLHighLowHighLow
||||| AUBANK737.305.00%BUY27/03/18639.50610.20639565744496
||||| BHARATFORG771.501.00%BUY19/04/18728.25695.00797678798510
||||| CADILAHC409.201.50%BUY24/04/18382.40372.50410362558362
||||| EDELWEISS281.603.50%BUY17/04/18260.10237.00281226309162
||||| HINDPETRO296.35-0.50%SELL23/01/18342.70370.00386324493290
||||| HINDUNILVR1491.252.00%BUY02/04/181399.201315.00134012811499923
||||| IDEA68.40-4.00%SELL24/01/1874.3080.70847511968
||||| IDFC55.405.50%BUY26/04/1852.0548.3053486848
||||| JUBILANT873.452.00%BUY26/04/18736.05736.058847801039600
||||| KOTAKBANK1185.701.50%BUY31/07/171137.101040.60110810281193900
||||| PFC82.95-2.00%SELL29/01/1888.4090.551068316883
||||| PIDILITIND1085.751.00%BUY27/03/181007.00910.259358581093716
||||| SBIN233.20-1.50%SELL26/04/18255.95265.00270232351232
||||| SRF2318.806.50%BUY27/03/182058.451938.002014177523531415
||||| VAKRANGEE110.70-4.50%SELL09/04/18138.80221.35293147515111
||||| YESBANK352.408.00%BUY24/04/18305.70299.10326285383275

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