April 16, 2018

Trauma Surgery - must watch video for traders

As a kid, I was always fascinated with surgery. This fascination persists till today and I do watch a lot of videos on Youtube.

Some time ago, for lack of anything to do, I chanced upon this video. I have seen this since then several times and thought of sharing this.

The case is pretty straight forward: a 45-50 year old man slips 25-30 feet while on a trek and is admitted in a hospital with probable pelvic fracture and low blood pressure. There is no visible injury.

In the trauma centre, the surgeon is worried about the persistent low blood pressure inspite of several units of blood transfusion. Chest x rays and abdominal scans give a negative and now the guess is the pelvic area. This can be checked only in an angiogram suite and not in the trauma room. But the falling blood pressure means unless the patient is stabilised, he cannot be taken.

The situation deteriorates rapidly due to the massive internal bleeding. The falling blood pressure leads to 3 cardiac arrests. Watch the video to see what happens next.

This video is part of a series of videos shot by Discovery TV and is recommended for traders.

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