March 30, 2018

My nuclear button is bigger than yours and it works

Hatsoff to US President Donald Trump for bringing N Korea closer to denuclearization. 

See the sequence of events... students of psychology will see excellent persuasion skills at play.

North Korea threatens 'unimaginable' strike on United States
Oct 19, 2017 - According to a new NBC News/SurveyMonkey poll published Thursday, a majority ofAmericans (54%) — Republicans and Democrats — view North Korea as the most immediate threat to the country. That represents a shift since July, when 41% of Americans viewed North Korea as the greatest immediate ...

Trump threatens to 'destroy North Korea' if necessary | USA News | Al ...

Sep 19, 2017 - US president expresses hope military action will not be necessary to thwart risk of North Korean nuclear attack. ... gathered in New York, Trump on Tuesday warned that the US would be forced to confront North Korean leader Kim Jong-un if he continued Pyongyang's reckless pursuit of nuclear weapons".

North Korea says US is 'begging for war' -
Dec 3, 2017 - DONALD Trump's national security adviser said the possibility of war with North Koreaincreases “every day” as the rogue nation said America was “begging for war”. ... A TOP Trump adviser says America is in a race against time to avoid war with North Korea as the rogue nation makes furtherthreats.
Followed by this interaction... this is the key

Kim Jong Un Says He Has a Nuclear Launch Button on His Office ...
Jan 2, 2018 - The North Korean leader said his country's nuclear arsenal is ready to use, but added that he would consider sending a delegation to this year's Winter Olympics, a step Seoul welcomed.

And then

Donald Trump boasts that his nuclear button is bigger than Kim Jong ...

Jan 2, 2018 - Donald Trump has taunted North Korea’s leader about the size of his nuclear arsenal after his UN envoy, Nikki Haley, dismissed the value of proposed high-level talks between Pyongyang and Seoul. ... North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his ...

And today

China says North Korea's Kim pledges denuclearization during ...

3 days ago - BEIJING/SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has pledged todenuclearize and meet U.S. officials, China said on Wednesday after an historic meeting with President Xi Jinping, who promised China would uphold friendship with its isolated neighbor.

This is all about persuasion....and you read about related posts by Scott Adams below... see the dates of the post.

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