January 17, 2018

The truth about security: Here's why Aadhaar's greatest threat lies within

“The introduction of the VID seems to be a knee-jerk reaction of the UIDAI to the recent debate on threats to privacy in the Aadhaar database,” says she. “We’re at a loss to explain to the slum community, where we work, now totally dependent on Aadhaar to access government welfare benefits, how to go about getting this new number!”
In September last year, the Uttar Pradesh police busted a Lucknow-based gang which cloned the fingerprints of authorised Aadhaar enrolment operators to create ‘fake’ Aadhaar numbers.
“First, using biometrics as passwords is a flawed concept,” says Subhashis Banerjee of IIT Delhi. “Hackers the world over have shown how easy it is to clone biometrics — without the victim even getting to know!”
Today, as data has become more valuable than gold and oil, Aadhaar, the largest database of information in the world, risks becoming a sitting duck for hackers.
“The single biggest concern is the use of a unique ID everywhere, making it possible to build tradeable databases of individual information,” says the Internet.
 “Aadhaar is designed to protect the state from citizen fraud. Nothing in Aadhaar’s design protects the citizen from state fraud…” The insecurity this has led to is exacerbated by the notions of the VID and “informed consent” — which suggest that the onus of protecting one’s own data lies not on the agency which has been entrusted with it, but on the individual himself…


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