Daily charts
- trend is up on daily charts
- today, NF closed 0.7% in negative at 11050
- AD was 1:4
- 8% drop in VIX even as market went down
- option writing support 10500

5 min charts
- trend is down on 5 min charts
- today, markets opened weak but got support around 11000
- drop in VIX means put buyers did not earn anything much
- today high low are important for tomorrow

15 min charts
- trend is up
- support 11000
- ignoring today's market as it is within range of last 2-3 days range

- trend is up on daily charts
- today, NF closed 0.7% in negative at 11050
- AD was 1:4
- 8% drop in VIX even as market went down
- option writing support 10500

5 min charts
- trend is down on 5 min charts
- today, markets opened weak but got support around 11000
- drop in VIX means put buyers did not earn anything much
- today high low are important for tomorrow

15 min charts
- trend is up
- support 11000
- ignoring today's market as it is within range of last 2-3 days range