Daily charts
- trend is up on daily charts
- today NF closed at 10493, 0.5% in positive
- this is highest ever close for nifty
- AD was marginally positive
- option writing support at 10000
- NOTE: I will on vacation next week... expect delays in updates and fewer posts.

5 min charts
- breakout from range was buy signal
- exit on trailing SL gave a no profit no loss trade

- trend is up on daily charts
- today NF closed at 10493, 0.5% in positive
- this is highest ever close for nifty
- AD was marginally positive
- option writing support at 10000
- NOTE: I will on vacation next week... expect delays in updates and fewer posts.

5 min charts
- breakout from range was buy signal
- exit on trailing SL gave a no profit no loss trade