At a time when India’s capital city has been enveloped by a blanket of smog with air quality ranging between ‘severe’ and ‘very poor’ post Diwali celebration, a study has found that the country occupies the top spot globally in terms of pollution-related deaths in 2015.
According to a report in The Lancet medical journal, pollution caused nine million deaths in 2015 – three times more than AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined.
India accounted for 2.5 million of those deaths – also topping the list of deaths linked to polluted air (1.81 million) and water (0.64 million) – with China following close behind at 1.8 million.
The study carried out by The Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health states that one in six of all deaths worldwide are caused by pollution with the vast majority – over 90% – occurring in developing and rapidly industrialising countries such as India, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Madagascar and Kenya.
According to a report in The Lancet medical journal, pollution caused nine million deaths in 2015 – three times more than AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined.
India accounted for 2.5 million of those deaths – also topping the list of deaths linked to polluted air (1.81 million) and water (0.64 million) – with China following close behind at 1.8 million.
The study carried out by The Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health states that one in six of all deaths worldwide are caused by pollution with the vast majority – over 90% – occurring in developing and rapidly industrialising countries such as India, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Madagascar and Kenya.