Daily charts
- trend is up on daily charts
- today, NF closed 0.% in positive at 9917
- AD was 3:2
- VIX dropped 7%
- NIFTY closed near upper trendline of triangle
5 min charts
- buy signals as shown
- trading range was small
- tight trailing stoploss required for days like this

Here is my MTM sheet.. I was long twice in 9900 SEP calls... first trade was easy, second difficult
- trend is up on daily charts
- today, NF closed 0.% in positive at 9917
- AD was 3:2
- VIX dropped 7%
- NIFTY closed near upper trendline of triangle
- buy signals as shown
- trading range was small
- tight trailing stoploss required for days like this

Here is my MTM sheet.. I was long twice in 9900 SEP calls... first trade was easy, second difficult