These are my option writing trades from 1-NOV-2016. Previous trades are posted here.
MTM column refers to profit for the day... if net qtty is 0, then it means position is squared off.
- sold 8700 call at 100. Qtty: 300
- 8600 put trade was a case of a positional trade becoming an intraday trade.
- because of above, I ended up buying 8700 puts... let's see what happens.
- if 8500 breaks on closing basis, I will be massively massively long in puts.
MTM column refers to profit for the day... if net qtty is 0, then it means position is squared off.
- sold 8700 call at 100. Qtty: 300
- 8600 put trade was a case of a positional trade becoming an intraday trade.
- because of above, I ended up buying 8700 puts... let's see what happens.
- if 8500 breaks on closing basis, I will be massively massively long in puts.
- booked excellent profits in 8700 put
- sold some more 8700 call at 70. Qtty: 300. MTM profit 13K.
- still holding short position in 8700 call
- added long positions in 8500 put
- still holding short position in 8700 call
- added short positions in 8600 call
- max possible profit in above positions is 42000.
- booked profit in 8500 put; bought some 8400 put
- overall a nice day
- no trading today
- holding overnight positions
- reduced positions in 8400 PE
- otherwise did nothing
- booked profits in all positional short trades.
- took 2 intraday trades
- first was good profit
- second was good loss thanks to RKSV servers facing severe errors.
- now no open positions
- did nothing
- traded short side
- sold 8600 calls... this trade is still open
- and bought 8400 and 8300 put
- covered 8400 put in profit
- but messed up 8300 put trade badly very very badly
- booked profit in 8600 call
- sold 8400 call around 35
- expected profit 27K if NF closes below 8400 this expiry
- went for a one day picnic with friends
- here is the MTM for overnight positions ... 14K profit while on a picnic
- closed short position in 8400 calls
- initiated short position in 8200 call
- also long position in 8200 call
- no open positions now as I am expecting a trend reversal
- here is the MTM ... approx 17K in profits
- intraday long trades by buying calls
- small profits but good for the day (could hv been worse)
- initiated long by buying calls and writing puts in first 10 minutes
- exited at loss
- failed to initiate fresh trades
- in hindsight, original view was perfectly correct
- better trade would have to trade after 1 hour
- by then, markets would have come down and long trade would be near supports
- alternatively, had positions been small I would have probably held on.
- lesson learned
- did nothing today and yesterday
- let's see how the next series pans out.