NOTE: the survey/ poll includes only those people who use smart phones. In other words, the survey does not reflect the views of those people who cannot afford a smart phone.

Some more comments... from
— As of the evening of 22 November, 2016, the app had more than 10 lakh downloads on Android. Given OS market shares in India, all other OSs including iOS cannot add more than another 10 lakh downloads.
— The app is available only in six languages – English, Hindi, Gujarati, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada. Even when one changes language of choice, a lot of the content continues to be in English.
— The survey is available on registration only. The registration form is in English notwithstanding the language you choose and it is tedious! One is forced to fill even the voter ID number though like most other forms one can get away with filling in junk data.
— After one is done with the form, one can now take the survey. The banner for the survey is in English only. The survey is conducted both in Hindi and English but uses terms like ‘demonetisation’ in Devanagari script.
— The survey is available only on the app (our understanding) and not even on the website. An app can be downloaded only by smartphone or tablet users in most cases. IAMAI estimated 371 million mobile internet users in India as of June 2016.
— Some of the questions in the survey may be classified as leading. The filling in of the opinion wheel for rating is cool but may not be intelligible to all.
Some more comments... from
— As of the evening of 22 November, 2016, the app had more than 10 lakh downloads on Android. Given OS market shares in India, all other OSs including iOS cannot add more than another 10 lakh downloads.
— The app is available only in six languages – English, Hindi, Gujarati, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada. Even when one changes language of choice, a lot of the content continues to be in English.
— The survey is available on registration only. The registration form is in English notwithstanding the language you choose and it is tedious! One is forced to fill even the voter ID number though like most other forms one can get away with filling in junk data.
— After one is done with the form, one can now take the survey. The banner for the survey is in English only. The survey is conducted both in Hindi and English but uses terms like ‘demonetisation’ in Devanagari script.
— The survey is available only on the app (our understanding) and not even on the website. An app can be downloaded only by smartphone or tablet users in most cases. IAMAI estimated 371 million mobile internet users in India as of June 2016.
— Some of the questions in the survey may be classified as leading. The filling in of the opinion wheel for rating is cool but may not be intelligible to all.