October 17, 2016

India lost 550 jobs everyday in 4 years... to lose 7 million by 2050

As many as 550 jobs have disappeared every day in last four years and if this trend continues, employment would shrink by 7 million by 2050 in the country, a study has claimed.

As per the data released by Labour Bureau early 2016, India created only 1.35 lakh jobs in 2015 in comparison to 4.19 lakh in 2013 and 9 lakh in 2011, the group said in a statement.
 The data clearly points to the fact that job creation in India is successively slowing down, which is very alarming, it pointed out.

Read more at http://www.businesstoday.in/latest/trends/7-million-jobs-can-disappear-in-india-by-2050/story/238654.html

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