July 13, 2015

SEBI review of minimum contract size in equity derivatives segment

1.At present, the minimum contract size in equity derivatives segment is Rs. 2 lakhs. The requirement was recently reviewed and it has been decided to increase the minimum contract size in equity derivatives segment to Rs. 5 lakhs.

2. Accordingly, the framework for determination of lot size for derivatives contracts specified vide SEBI circular dated January 08, 2010 is modified as under:

(i) The lot size for derivatives contracts in equity derivatives segment shall be fixed in such a manner that the contract value of the derivative on the day of review is within Rs. 5 lakhs and Rs. 10 lakhs.
(ii) For stock derivatives, the lot size (in units of underlying) shall be fixed as a multiple of 25, provided the lot size is not less than 50. However, if the contract value of the stock derivatives at the minimum lot size of 50 is greater than Rs. 10 lakhs, then lot size shall be fixed as a multiple of 5, provided the lot size is not less than 10.
(iii) For index derivatives, the lot size (in units of underlying) shall be fixed as a multiple of 5, provided the lot size is not less than 10.


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